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What is a 1015 error?

The 1015 error often causes users to bounce from a site entirely. A smart website owner will act to resolve 1015 errors as quickly as possible to keep the traffic flowing. (Don’t need the whole rundown about rate limiting? Click here to go straight to the solutions) What is Rate Limiting?

How long does Cloudflare error 1015 last?

Answer: The duration of Cloudflare error 1015 depends on the time interval that the website owner has set for their rate limit. For example, if the website owner has set a rate limit of 100 requests per minute, then you may see the error 1015 message for up to one minute after you trigger the rate limit.

Why do I get a 1015 error message after triggering a rate limit?

For example, if the website owner has set a rate limit of 100 requests per minute, then you may see the error 1015 message for up to one minute after you trigger the rate limit. However, if you continue to make requests to the website after the time interval expires, you may trigger the rate limit again and see the error 1015 message again.

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